As you know, the computer and the Internet play an important role for us. We all need the Internet, and we all have weak signal problems at home or at work. The network is used to connect the computer and the device to each other. This work requires high expertise and skill. Because even the smallest problem can cause our network to fail, this work requires the involvement of a network expert. By creating network wires in different places to use the Internet, it gives us more security and higher speed. To use the Internet to transmit the image of a camera, burglar alarm system, and smart home system, we need a system that is the least used for us to watch TV. Yes, it is true that this can be done with wireless because wireless is under the network branch, but it has a lower speed than network cable, and its security is lower than network cables. The new high-quality IP cameras require the same cable, network, and system, so we came to the conclusion that this work is completely specialised and technical, and its presence is very important for us, and we can do this work for you easily.